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120 Anniversary Celebrations

120 years young

In 2016, we celebrate our 120th anniversary, and intend to mark the occassion in our usual style.


Party in the Park - Saturday 6th August 2016

To further celebrate our 120th anniversary, we are holding a Party in the Park, close to our offices here in Beeston, with live music, drinks and food throughout the day.


C P Walker Trams

To celebrate and promote our 120th anniversary, we have signwritten two of the trams on the NET network.



Bookmark this page

We'll be publishing details of how we intend to mark this historic occasion on our anniversary pages, so bookmark this page for updates.

Social Media

We'll also be using our Facebook and Twitter pages to announce details too, so if you are not following or liking our page, why not do so today?


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"The friendly staff are all very approachable. I have been a tenant for 15 years and have no desire to leave. [Tenant of 15 years]"